Я говорю с тобой: переводы блокадной поэзии


Представляем вашему вниманию переводы блокадной поэзии, выполненные студентами группы Ю-20-2



О. Бергольц Я говорю с тобой

перевел Иван Федюнин (Ю-20-2)

I speak with you under the shells,

They made all people mad

I speak with you from Leningrad

My lovely country's sad


The Kronstadt evil thorny wind

With all my heart I hate

In sheltters little children sleep

My guard is still in gate


Ю. Воронов 100-й день

перевела Юлия Сорокина (Ю-20-2)

Instead of soup - burda of glue

Instead of tea - a cup of pine

Don't feel your hands, it's not you

Your feet can't stand in line.


There are needles in your heart 

And its beats are all apart

You ask your heart to work

Leningrad depends on your knock


Beat heart, knock, though been tired

No enemy in my city I say

One hundredth day with you admired

Didn't know about eight hundredth day...


А. Ахматова Птицы смерти

перевела Виолетта Павлова (Ю-20-2)

The birds of death are at the zenith stay

Who rescues Leningrad today?

Don't make noise around - He is breathing

He is with us, He is living.


Through the cold Baltic stream

His sons are groaming in dream.

His roars for bread

Are i  everyone's head.


перевела Полина Сухарева (Ю-20-2)

The birds of death are at the moon,

Who goes to save Leningrad soon?

Don't make noise, He's breathing

He's still alive, He hears everything.


As on the Baltic bottom deep

His sons are moowing in sleep.

From his bossom He cries, "Bread!"

He asks for nothing instead.


But endless is that path

And everywhere is death.

He is around, He is here.

But escaping prevents fear.


И. Тихонов Ленинград

перевел Кирилл Пашков (Ю-20-2)

Created by the Peter's will

His Lenin's mark is blessing nice.

He works and is so busy still

He lived as couldn't otherwise.


His heat remembered, take care of

These peaceful borders of the city

The enemies could break this love

But have been smashed and felt so pitty.


And through the fascists bombing still

As he is known everywhere

He struggled and he struggle will

And everyone should be aware.



Соснина Наталья Георгиевна