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Афганская война длилась почти 10 лет (декабрь 1979 – февраль 1989 г.г.). Она велась на территории Демократической республики Афганистан (сокращенно — ДРА, с 1987 года Республика Афганистан — РА) между правительственными силами ДРА совместно сначала с Ограниченным контингентом советских войск в Афганистане (ОКСВА), а затем с соединениями и частями 40-й Общевойсковой армии (ОА) против многочисленных вооружённых формирований афганской оппозиции, так называемых моджахедов (душманов), при политической и финансовой поддержке США и других ведущих государств НАТО, а также исламского мира.

В этот день мы будем вспоминать тех, кто до конца остался верен присяге, кто героически погиб на Афганской земле. Около 14-ти тысяч наших соотечественников не вернулись домой. На территории России воздвигнуты более 320 памятников и мемориалов.

Студенты УрГЭУ  под руководством преподавателей кафедры Простовой Д.М. и Сосниной Н.Г. подготовили экспозицию писем солдат, многие из которых погибли, исполняя свой интернациональный долг.


Младший сержант Бандорин

Hello, my dear mom and dad!

Today, February 20, I am writing you another letter. A little about myself. I live as always perfectly, I'm in a good mood, I'm not sick, in general everything is as it should be. It's noticeably colder lately, snow has fallen, and it's lying there, flying. That spring is coming here, it's not even felt, winter has just begun.

And what's new at home, what's the weather, what are you doing, write about all the news. We are slowly preparing for February 23, since today is already 21, it is not even noticeable how February passed, so March would have passed. Today there will be an issue of condensed milk - I still have the same sweet tooth, and I love condensed milk terribly. Well, that's all about myself, it seems. I'm looking forward to hearing from you with details of city life. Send our sixth newspaper - it looks very much like a house.

That's the end of it. Write more often. I kiss you hard. Your son Vyacheslav.

There are 94 days left before the order.

21.02.84 year.





Тетерин Никита, Ю-20-2

Dear Nina Nikolaevna,

writes to you the commander of the company where your son Andrey Kolaev served. April 3, 1985, our unit was on alert to capture a gang of rebels. When we arrived at the area where the gang was located, our unit began to surround them. Fight was started.

One group of soldiers came under fire from the rebels and two of them were wounded.

The rebels opened fire from a mortar and, when Andrey was assisting the wounded, a mine exploded next to him. He was mortally wounded.

Your son has repeatedly taken part in military operations to destroy the rebels, while showing courage. We are proud that your son served in our unit.

Dear Nina Nikolaevna, everyone in our unit sends you a huge heartfelt greetings. You can be proud of your son.

Your son Andrei Kolaev was awarded the Order of the Red Star by the Decree of the Presidium of the USSR of September 4.









Соснина Наталья Георгиевна