Юмор для сведущих


Как мы знаем, в России (и не только) День смеха (День дурака) отмечается первого апреля. Но в мире в разных странах существуют и другие дни, связанные с юмором и весельем - это и День комедии, и День шутки, наверняка, найдётся что-нибудь ещё. Почему бы не пошутить сегодня? Тем более, как сказал бизнесмен Аллен Клейн: «You may not be able to change a situation, but with humor you can change your attitude about it»!

Юмор на иностранном языке - это не всегда легко! Часто задействована языковая игра, распознать которую можно, если знаешь иноязычные идиомы, различные значения одного и того же слова, культурологические факты и пр. Но если шутка понятна - то радость удваивается: веселит не только сама шутка, но и факт её понимания ))!! А когда шутка не кажется смешной, то хотя бы её понимание может принести удовлетворение.

Давайте проверим и попробуем понять шутки на английском языке, связанные с темой высшего образования. Итак, начинаем:
1. What made the freshman eat his homework? Because his teacher said it was a piece of cake.
2. -Why did the teacher have to wear sunglasses?
- Her students were so bright.
3. Even if you haven't been to university, you aren't stupid. Albert Einstein was the first person to climb Mount Everest without going to university.
4. College student: Hey, Dad — I've got some great news for you!
Father: What, son?
College student: Remember that $500 you promised me if I made the Dean's list?
Father: I certainly do.
College student: Well, you get to keep it!
5. A college professor was very worried about his recent study on earthquakes.
It turns out his findings were on shaky ground.
6. A mugger jumps out in front of a university student and yells "your money or your life!". The student continues to walk, and says, "Sorry, I'm a Computer Science student. I don't have either.".
7. Student 1: Great news, we have an exam today, whether it rains or shines. Student 2: So? So what's so great about that? Student: Look outside, it is snowing, score!
8. Student: I think I did not deserve a zero on my final exam. That seems unfair to me. Professor: I completely agree with you. However, that is the lowest grade I can give you.
9. One day a college professor, after getting irritated in his college class, stands up in front of the class and asks if anyone in the class is an idiot and, if there is one, then they should stand up.
After a minute, a young man stands up. The professor then asks that guy if he actually thinks he is an idiot. The boy replied, "No, I just didn't want to see you standing there all by yourself."
10. A linguistics professor was lecturing to his English class one day.
"In English, a double negative forms a positive," he said. "In some languages, though, such as Russian, a double negative is still a negative. However, there is no language where a double positive can form a negative." A voice from the back of the room said, "Yeah, right."

Вместо резюме: если Вы поняли 5 из 10 шуток после первого прочтения - поздравляем, good job! ☺

Стихина Ирина Александровна